- The Republik
- 8:00pm
- All ages accompanied by an adult (18+)
- US$25 General Admission, US$30 General Admission DOS, US$20 Safehouse, Free Promoter, Free Marketing
Likkle Jordee
Ticket Prices
$25 + fees
Prices increase day of show
Ticket Locations:
All ages welcome (accompanied by an adult 18+)
Lounge: 6:00 pm (21 and up)
Hall: 7:00 pm (All ages accompanied by an adult)
Show: 8:00 pm (All ages accompanied by an adult)
Venue: The Republik (directions)
*This show will comply with all local covid regulations which are required on the date of the show.
**Per the current city/state covid guidelines, all attendees must provide either a negative COVID-19 test result (taken within 48 hours of the event), or provide proof of full vaccination prior to entry. Maximum capacity shall be limited to 50% of the maximum occupant load of the indoor facility or room at issue.
***Attendees must wear face coverings consistent with Order 5 of the Order at all times when indoors, except when eating or drinking (as applicable).
****Contact tracing will be in place for each attendee.